Welcome to Perc Data
Perc Data provides Television Listings Data (i.e. what is on which channel, and when) in conjunction with Gracenote. We allow companies to focus on developing the best in their own products by letting us do the work of providing accurate listings data and accompanying customer support.
PERC Data is a proud provider of services by Gracenote.
For more information, Please check out our FAQ or CONTACT US.
November 30, 2024
percdata.com host has moved (important ReplayTV note!)!
The time finally came to retire our old server! Let us know if you notice any problems.
ReplayTV users should be using automatic networking and no disruption is expected.
ReplayTV users putting an IP address in the DNS settings should use
December 16, 2023
Lineup changes!
Gracenote notified us a little over a month ago they were going to rename a bunch of lineups starting on Dec 13th. Schedules Direct sent a notice at that time, but it caused more problems than it solved because the new lineup names weren't in the system yet!
Well, the changes have started to hit! So, if your lineup has gone away, choose a new one. Many analog lineups have gone away (use a digital one), and duplicate lineups have been removed. We should still have a lineup that works for you, but you probably need to choose a new one on our website and your application.
ReplayTV LaHo users will need to change their zipcode (value doesn't matter). Just type a digit and let it rotate. Next, the ReplayTV should prompt for the new source (digital cable or Satellite)
If you're having trouble, best to start with your application support, or if you don't have one, use the Lineup Support Link.
We tried for a graceful transition, but Gracenote didn't provide for it.
February 14, 2023
Perc Data price increase
Sadly, the time has come to increase Perc Data prices. We haven't raised prices since we started in 2011, and even cut the ReplayTV pricing soon after it started (once we knew costs).
The new prices are:
- $40/year Standard Data Direct and XMLTV feed
- $28/6-months ReplayTV primary unit
- $16/6-months ReplayTV additional unit
December 7, 2021
steady as she goes
I noticed it's been a few years since the last news item. No news is good news. :) Steady as she goes.
August 12, 2018
XMLTV feed now available via HTTPS
Perc Data is happy to provide a direct XMLTV feed! Can be accessed using wget,curl and other applications. You can even use your browser (but I don't know why you would).
Once creating an account and adding a lineup, here's the URL
Feb 14, 2016
If you let your LaHo/ReplayTV subscription expire...
We have identified a situation where if you let your PercData account expire, our "Goodwill" service will change the host name used by your ReplayTV, back to ReplayTV's official servers (which no longer exist).
So, If you've let your account expire and have connection problems after renewal, you'll need to perform the networking portion of the ReplayTV setup again.
Jul 16, 2015
Welcome ReplayTV refugees!
We are aware that ReplayTV is having technical difficulties and guide data stopped on 7/15. PERC's LaHo RNS (Last Hope Replay Network Server) has been ready since ReplayTV's aborted shutdown a few years ago. If you have a network attached Replay we can keep it working. For information on how, check out our ReplayTV FAQ.
Update: Jul, 19, 2015
Thanks to the additional ReplayTV users, we have doubled the term of our ReplayTV subscriptions!
The change is retroactive, so if you paid for 3 months, you now have an additional 3 months.
Nov 23, 2014
Server change requires DVBLink upgrade
Due to a server change forced by an upstream provider, DVBLink users need to upgrade to at least DVBLink 5.1 BETA 1, available HERE. Note, this is *NOT* Synology NAS version 5.1.
Dec 29, 2013
ReplayTV modem service suspended (reprise)
The PercData modem service for ReplayTV users is once again being discontinued. Network based units are not affected.
May 24, 2013
Perc is pleased to support DVBLogic's DVBLink Product!
Perc Data now supports DVBLogic's DVBLink product via a new EPG Loader!
DVBLogic's DVBLink products offers everything you need to enjoy your favorite Satellite (DVB-S/S2), Cable (DVB-C and QAM), Terrestrial (DVB-T/T2 and ATSC), IPTV and Analog TV channels and recordings within your home network and on the go!
Decmber 01, 2012
ReplayTV modem service still up
The ReplayTV test dialup line was never shut down, and thanks to some donations will continue. Feel free to make a long distance call to Dallas for normal guide updates or the "Goodwill" program.
May 16, 2012
Perc now provides ReplayTV Time and IR Blaster updates w/o an account.
As a service to the community, the Perc servers will now provide time services and IR Blaster updates to ReplayTV units without a Perc Data account. All you have to do is follow the setup instructions make one or two polls and then you can point back to the ReplayTV servers. For more details, read the "Good Will" thread in the forum.
February 05, 2012
ReplayTV modem service suspended
The Perc Data ReplayTV dialup service is currently suspended while we wait to see what DNNA does with the offcial service. Perc service for network attached ReplayTV devices is still being provided. If you really need to use this, contact us.
August 12, 2011
ReplayTV service live
I thought I'd post that our ReplayTV service is live and you can pay for it now. I'd like to thank all the beta testers. Most of your suggestions have been applied, and we look forward to more.
While it's hard to compete with Replay's official service (especially while it's still free), if you're tired of the nag screens, connect to us. :) Other than that, please consider us should Replay change their mind again.
July 30, 2011
Governoring board of DNNA issues a stay of execution!
Well, we didn't see this coming.... Digital Networks North America has decided to continue the guide service to ReplayTV devices.i
New signups for the beta program are active and I've exteneded the expiration of current BETA users.
July 24, 2011
Perc Data saves ReplayTV devices
Digital Networks North America is terminating the guide service for ReplayTV and Panasonic Showstopper devices on July 31, 2011. Perc Data has teamed up with the leaders of the WiRNS project to serve guide data to these fantastic PVRs and keep them working.
We are currently accepting signups in Beta mode. Please be aware of the following restrictions.
- Only one Replay device per user.
You will need to re-add lineups soon.*SOLVED*Please limit lineups to 70 stations (due to a performance problem we're working on)*SOLVED*- Remember this is a BETA, expect things not to work (and provide feedback>
- Feedback can be provided via Contact us or the WiRNS Forum
- These restrictions will be lifted soon
April 19, 2010
Welcome to Perc Data
After what seems too long of a time in contract negotiations, Perc Data has finally opened its doors to North American users of the Equinux TubeStick.
Welcome. We hope you enjoy using our service.